Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wire Sculpture

This is a penguin sculpted out of wire using hand-building techniques and wrench-like tools.  After sculpting the penguin, I covered parts of it with paper mâché.  I then went and painted the paper mâché with black and white paint to show contrast.  Because of their strong contrast in color, the black and white bring the most attention to the face of the penguin.  The paper mâché was artistically placed to show space and contrast.  I struggled with deciding with which parts of the penguin I should put the paper mâché on to show the best uses of space.  I like where I chose to place the paper mâché because it shows good spacing.  The paper mâché also adds to the texture of this wire sculpture.  Once I knew where to put the paper mâché, applying the techniques of putting it on and painting it was not too difficult.

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